Is there anyone who doesn’t LOVE SPRING? Even though as soon as the door opens the tears start falling and I come back in the house to take an allergy pill sneezing 4 times as I go…I still love it.
We have been working outside a lot earlier than normal this year…partly because we are preparing for our Derby Party which you can read my ongoing series on. Secondly, the weather has been a bit amazing in my neck of the woods. So when I was caught the day before our Link Party, I was looking for inspiration and realized I was surrounded by it.
So here’s what tickles me Pink about Spring!
I love one sport only. I have gone to see the St. Louis Cardinals since I was a kid when we got straight A tickets. My Dad would always buy me a score card and pencil and I still love to tally the score to this day.
Why would I love it? I mean first it’s the Cards ( please no Chicago boos here). We are a baseball town and we love our team. We believe we have a team with a family attitude and don’t worry about bad behavior on or off the field. To say we are proud is definitely accurate.
The game is nostalgic and people are honored for their achievements. In our town opening day brought out the Hall of Famers and it was so great to see Lou Brock and Ozzie Smith and our former Manager Whitey Herzog. It is a pleasant event if you are at the game with popcorn, peanuts, nachos, and brats! I get into it so there is jumping and cheering and we never give up. Yes there are some who leave before the game ends if we are losing but I am always smiling when we pull it out in the bottom of the ninth with 2 outs and 2 strikes…it happens a LOT!
You don’t have to go to enjoy. It is thankfully still on the radio. As a young married women I would plug in my earphones from my Transistor Radio and do my work not wanting to miss a game. Now with cable, we can usually have it on the televison as well.
And guess what? I am going tonite!!! Well the night I am writing this post. And of all games, it will be a Cubs vs Cards game which is our true rival. I got the ticket from a Cub fan, so kind but I have to sit next to one as well…hmmm, we better win tonite! UPDATE: had so much fun! did have to sit next to a cub fan but I know him and as the other fans around us said he was the first cub fan they liked. Thanks George! Also made friends (literally on Facebook) with the folks seated behind us. It was Jacey’s first game since she was a little girl and after about 8 attempts at getting the wave started in a really slow time of the game, she was successful, of course with our help. It was the longest continuing wave I had ever seen! We have her here!
So we lost, but you can still sing the song, “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” And they honored Lou Brock tonight so he took a ride around the stadium. I watched him steal in his day and have a signed baseball from him. What FUN!
I can’t put it into words (or maybe I just did 🙂 ) but when the first game is played I get this special feeling inside and know that warmer and longer days are on the horizon and everything I love about Spring is falling into place!
So no, we aren’t jumping in yet. But they opened our pool this week and my husband worked hard to vacuum out the yuck and add the salt and chlorine to get the water clear and gorgeous.
I have always loved water and I had a dream of having a pool. When I dreamt it I would say it seemed like something far out of our reach but I have learned to write goals and dreams down and share them with people. To this day I don’t know how we managed it, I’ll have to ask my husband but we put it in when our kids were still young enough to really enjoy it. The pool makes our backyard a destination. It becomes a place to hold a party. I just love the atmosphere it provides us.
One of my favorite things about our pool is the waterfall and the constant sound of the water just relaxes me and draws me outside to piddle in the yard or actually do some work outside. We have outdoor speakers so I can play spa music, steel drums or worship depending on my mood…makes me so happy!
We start putting out the pool side furniture preparing for the afternoons of lounging and reading a great summer novel and the parties we will host. I had to update the cushions this year and I just ordered them so I can’t wait to share when we get it together.
When I am in my kitchen I look out the window and see the water and I am captivated by the serenity of the scene. I love to go out and have quiet time in the morning and look forward to the days coming when I will float and read or play games with our kids.
The first tree to bloom is our White Magnolia. Big gorgeous flowers. Next is the Pink Dogwood, how beautiful. My newly planted Cherries are in blossom as well. I can see the buds on my Lilacs and am dreaming of their scent as they will fill the air and waft up towards my house. In a short time my Azelias will also be pretty in pink.
All around the yard little green spikes are peaking through the mulch. Such a reminder that new life abounds. Reminds me of the Scripture “I make all things new.” It is amazing to see trees go dormant and lose their leaves and then come back after the cold and bud out and bloom. Some of the plants like my Hostas are gone to the ground and burst back through the earth each Spring.
I want a vegetable garden. I had one at our first home and everyone laughed at me. It was probably 4′ x 4′. I had no idea what I was doing. I planted cucumber, peppers, tomatoes, jalapeños, and PUMPKINS! It was amazing what we harvested that year. But at this home I have never had one. Last year I got a container garden and right now the white strawberries are already blooming so at the very least I will have some fruit!
I usually plant a lot of flowers. I love color. Lots of it! But it is a little too early still.
I also love the special spots in my garden. My Bird Bath fountain sets just outside my laundry window and not only can I see it but I can hear it when the weather permits me to have the windows open. I love seeing my rounded rocks, my garden flags, the bench and the porch.
I love lilacs because of their scent. They have a gorgeous flower too but scents bring memories back to me and lilacs will always make me think of my grandmother.
She had large bushes and would take cuttings of them and bring them in and put them in water. I am quite sure the only flowers she ever got were ones she cut out of her garden. Getting flowers from a store would have been way too extravagant.
The next memory that comes flowing in is being on her sleeping porch. I can see the white sheers blowing in the wind. We didn’t have air conditioning back then and so windows were open probably 6 months of the year. That little room had her old shoes and dresses in it and I played dress up for hours.
As I sit here on my sofa writing this and waiting for my ride to the game within the hour the heavens opened up and it is pouring.
April Showers Bring May Flowers and I love flowers, so bring on the rain.
Again it is kind of nostalgic for me. I had no idea until I started writing how much memories play a part in what I love today! I absolutely LOVE A THUNDERSTORM. When the Thunder Cracks and the house shakes from the sound of it, I almost get chills. Love sitting on a porch and listening as I enjoy talking, reading napping doing a puzzle or just about anything.
The memories flood back to when I was between 3 and 8 years old and we had a car port which is basically a concrete patio with a roof over it. People didn’t have garages back then…at least where we lived they didn’t. So I would go out and play on the car port during the rain protected from getting wet but hearing the pounding of it on the roof (especially love it on a metal roof) and the smell of damp concrete.
There is nothing like the smell of rain…there are even room fresheners and colognes fashioned after it because it is so lovely!
We have a gazebo off our deck which is not yet photo ready for the year…but I guess I could put a BEFORE SHOT in here so you can see our winter look. Dusty and Disheveled.
But I bring it up because when my kids were little and it started to rain, we would grab Laura Ingalls Little House on the Prairie and run into the Gazebo and they would cuddle up together and I would read them the adventures on the Prairie. All because of the Rain!
As May is just two weeks away we can anticipate lots of celebrating if we choose.
May 1st is May Day and I remember taking ribbons and running around the May Pole at school when I was a girl. I know there is a lot of history on these celebrations but all I ever knew as a child was Colors, Ribbons, sort of dancing and celebrating!
May 5th – well that’s my best friend’s birthday, but it is ALSO Cinco de Mayo which is celebrated big time where we live in Missouri.
What I have been focused on for the past two months is the next celebration…The Kentucky Derby! Hoping to make this an annual event, unless I flop at it.
Mother’s Day…same weekend as the Derby. I always wished they could spread some of the celebrations out through the year. They just start bunching up once Spring hits.
The Indianapolis 500 shares it’s weekend with Memorial Day Weekend!
If that isn’t enough reasons to throw a party…
May 3 is Comic Book Day, who knew? Many stores give away their books for free on that day.
May 4 is Star Wars Day, now the two of those events could combine for 2 day affair!
Anyway, I love throwing a party and May begins the season of being able to take the party outdoors where we live so it can double the space and make a lot of options possible in actives…washers, horse shoes, and badminton.
We’ll have to wait on the photos for parties, they haven’t happened yet!
So there you have it 5 Amazing Things I love about SPRING! Only 5 you say? Just because it is all I am allowed to write about for our Favorite 5 Link Party every 3rd Wed of the Month. Check out our Pinterest Board to read them all!
What about you? Share your Links, Share your thoughts, Share about Spring!
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White strawberries that taste like pineapple….hmmm, I think I need to find me some of those!! I love your pool! My hubby planted trees where our was supposed to be, I think he did it on purpose 😉
LOL. that sounds like mine. I remember us standing in the back throwing tennis shoes and trying to imagine it in size. I still haven’t asked him how we finally agreed on it. I am the dreamer…or at least I use to be, now he has joined me and that can be dangerous…no one to keep pulling us back to reality!
I can really identify with your love of the Cardinals! My sport is football and I love, love, love the Steelers!! It is so much fun to go to a game or to watch them on TV. I just wish football wasn’t so hard on the players and there were more than 16 games a year. I also have to say, your pool is beautiful. That would be a fantastic view for sure from your house.
Melony, I giggle as I write this but I just never got football. It seemed like they rarely moved. There was always a whistle being blown and everything stopped. I also didn’t understand defense and offense…it is just too complicated for me. But I admire sport fans for whatever they support. It is a great constant in this chaotic world.
I am one of those crazy people on Steeler game days!! I could just eat, breathe and sleep football. Apparently Pittsburgh has an amazing woman’s football team, the Passion! When I found this out, I wanted to just run and sign up, but I’m 52……sigh!
LOL! I love finding out these special interests of my friends…who knew?
Your pool is beautiful- so inviting! We have a minor league baseball team in my hometown. The games are full of good old fashioned fun! I do love Spring but Fall is my very favorite season!
I love the Fall as well, let’s face it the seasons all have something special to love. I even enjoyed my boys baseball games. It is just that kind of sport. Family friendly! Thank you Dawn for your comment today!
Debbie, I had so much fun getting to know you a little bit, reading your post! Your home is beautiful (I can tell just from the few pics you posted) and your passion for your family and life in general is inspiring. Thanks for sharing some of “you” with the world. I look forward to getting to know you better. 🙂
What a sweet comment Sarah, thank you! I look forward to getting to know you as well! I can’t wait to explore you blog.
Love this post Debbie! Makes me wish we were in Spring. I have been wanting a fountain for a while now, by reading your post and looking at your photos you have given me some inspiration. So thank you!
Thank you Fiona, the sound of running water is something that really nourishes my soul.
I love the waterfall feature in your pool! I grew up along the ocean and love the sound of water. Your garden looks absolutely wonderful, thanks for sharing. And hanks for starting this party and making me part of it, I really appreciate it!
You are so welcome Marjan! I can’t imagine growing up along the ocean, you must have wonderful memories. One of my favorite places to vacation for sure…I just decorate like I live there and play ocean music! 🙂
Spring and Fall are my two favorite seasons! I love the flowers and the colors of the fall. In spring, I don’t mind the rain either. I often times find it relaxing and wishing I had a covered porch to read on while the sounds of raindrops danced around me.
I love this tribute. Sadly in Texas we don’t know what Spring is. LOL We have fall and summer.
I look forward to getting to know you.
I hear you Lisa…and I have tasted those summers, yikes! Normally we don’t have Spring either. It’s an unusual occurrence. We typically have the chill almost to the end of May when public swimming pools open and the water is still too cold. But this year mild and beautiful days are daily gifts!
I used to think I only like spring because it meant winter was over and summer was coming but you make some great points! I think I am starting to like and appreciate spring! I am sooooo jealous of your yard! It really does look like a destination! So pretty!
Thank you Tilisa, I love it too and I hope I can build one as nice when we relocate in 6 years. I love color and try to make sure to have lots of it in my surroundings. So many things are blooming now it is gorgeous today!