Terms and Conditions
Comment Policy
Etiquette is Grace in Action. Kind words, encouragement, ideas and suggestions are all welcome and appreciated. Any comments that do not reflect a genuine desire to be friendly will be removed. My hope is that your comments will inspire my other readers as well as me and that we will look forward to your next visit on Chatham Hill on the lake.
Disclosure Information
The Federal Trade Commission requires that any site that receives compensation whether monetary or product must make those who read the site aware of this compensation.
My comments and opinions in my posts are my own. I will write about products, services or sites that I would recommend regardless of compensation. My heart is to truly give you, my reader, sources to products and services that will enhance your life.
That said, this is my business and a source of income and ads, links, and product endorsements may provide commission, payment or product.
Amazon Associate
I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.
Privacy Policy
Chatham Hill on the lake, Your Home Your Happy Place, and the owner of this site use your submitted information as described. We do not share it with third parties. We do use analytics that use cookies to study our performance. If you wish to opt out, you can change your browser settings to turn off the use of cookies. If you are using our shop, PayPal will be responsible for the security of your payment information, we will not receive it.
Chatham Hill on the lake and the owner of this site are not responsible for any content that is republished on other sites without our permission.
This site is for informational and entertaining purposes and Chatham Hill on the lake and it’s owner do not take responsibility for any claims of harm, damages, or injury that may be made based on this site, its links, ads, comments or contents.
We may change our policies at any time. Use this site at your own risk. We have no input or control over anything once you take a link to another website and we do not take responsibility for another website’s content.
If you want to use one or two photos from this site, do not change them in anyway, credit them and direct them back to yourhomeyourhappyplace.com
By using this site you are agreeing to the terms and conditions set forth above.