Easter Traditions, like most traditions help our little ones to mark time and seasons, to build memories and to anticipate. In a world that is often chaotic with busy schedules and unpredictable situations, traditions bring a form of security and comfort, something they can rely on to be there.
Our family has built a lot of traditions over the years and continue to even though my children are late 20s and early 30s. We are blessed that they love to spend time with us and these traditions make our time together even more meaningful.
So here are a few Easter Traditions that our newest member of the family was introduced to for the first time in his young life.
This is also the last week of our Bunny Hop! If you missed the first two you can visit Bunny Hop Tables and Bunny Hop Recipes. At the end of this post you can click through to visit my other Bunny Hoppers!
So who has never gone on an Easter Egg Hunt?
I can still remember some of mine. They took place in the park that was part of our subdivision. It was a community event. We brought our own baskets and then they said go and all of the kids, all different ages were off. This was before plastic eggs I think. I really don’t remember what we got but I think they were colored hard boiled eggs!
One year I got the Golden Egg! It was covered in glitter and really big. I traded it in for a silver dollar. I still remember begging my parents to let me keep the golden egg rather than the money. That was a memory I have cherished all my life.
So here we are doing this practice for my grandson because of my blog. My husband set up the signs and planted the eggs in clear sight.
This was the cutest kit ever. I picked up a small one and a larger one at TJMaxx. I saved one for next year. These little staked Peter Rabbit figures are a very sturdy cardboard and should last and last if taken care of.
The plastic eggs have two little eggs inside. One malted robins egg and one small chocolate Cadbury egg.
Here he is! He has no idea what we are doing or why he has a Mickey Mouse head basket with green paper shreds in it. The day we bought the basket, we had been at Baby’s R Us and there was a cute little hat with Mickey Mouse puffs on top that I put on Kal’s head and he wore it and enjoyed it. So when I put the basket in our cart, he picked it up and tried to wear it too!
He is decked out in a Peter Rabbit onesie with a hood and rabbits ears. Just 19 months old.
His first egg! We had to help him once, but he learned very quickly what the object of this task was.
Spotted one!
There is a peak at those rabbit ears.
He still shares with us.
The chill finally caught up with us and we had to bundle him up. What’s in there?
Found some more, now two at a time.
WOW! This is great!
And so it begins…
I get to relive this with him on Easter Sunday where he lives about 3 hours away. It will be fun to see him experience this with lots of other children at the same time. Next year, his little brother will be in tow and in another year, what fun for both of them.
Next Tradition? You got it, dying eggs.
Another first. Note the lips. I’ll come back to that later.
Let’s get it real pink! By the way, that shirt that is tied up on him was mine. I wore it to his gender reveal a couple of years ago. I was off. But how fun that he is actually wearing it now as his smock top.
Okay, see how he is looking at the egg dipper questionably? Finally I figured out what he had been doing. He was making little blowing sounds. He has only done bubbles once or twice and that was a year ago and here this egg dipper made him think that was what we were doing. So he was blowing but there were no bubbles. They really are learning all of the time.
Kal and his mom, Clarissa. The eggs were too damp to handle the sticky eyes and cardboard, so we saved those for next year too.
So this may look like a failure to most people, but two eggs was about all we could handle. The dye liquid was leaking everywhere and so we were very proud to have these two beauties to show for our fun.
After a tough day of play….moms need a little Retail Therapy~ yes, an Easter Tradition too!
” But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.””
Luke 18:16-17
Of course, the true meaning of Easter for our family is that Jesus Christ was Risen from the dead and our sins were washed away by His death on the cross three days earlier.
Going to church, worshipping God and celebrating the Joy of His Resurrection is a tradition we hope will be passed on to each generation.
May you and your family be blessed this Easter and always, may you know the love and forgiveness of our Savior, Jesus Christ, whose love knows no bounds.
Don’t miss out on visiting my friends and seeing their Easter Traditions!
My Pinterventures
Sprinkles and Streamers
Intelligent Domestications
There is nothing sweeter than grandchildren. Your sweet little grandson is adorable hunting and dying eggs. I saw those kits at TJ Maxx and thought they were really cute. It’s fun to see it in use. Our grands are all older now and compete for who finds the most eggs, lol. Thanks for hosting these fun Tradition events! It has been a joy to see how families enjoy the season.
Oh – how adorable is he! That sweet little face!! I felt like I was right there with all of you watching him learn this new fun! I loved the shoes with the onesie – quite the fashion statement!! Thank you for sharing this lovely and sweet happiness that you and your family are enjoying!
Aww, how adorable. I miss the days when my kids went Easter hunting and loved to color eggs. It’s so fun seeing kids having fun during Easter. Thanks for sharing your tradition with us.
What a sweet moment with your grandson! I love the idea of traditions lasting for generations!