Dovie’s Book Club Reviews and Recommendations missed March. I apologize, but you can all imagine what happened because it happened to all of us.
I am so excited to bring you these titles for April! The majority of these books were so good, I would read them again and hope they get made into a movie.
BTW, the book photos link to the book on Amazon and my affiliate account as do the Audible and Kindle links, so thank you for supporting me by clicking through. To purchase, just click on the book.
I read books 3 ways.
- A REAL BOOK. Love browsing the store. I adore holding a book with a cover because sometimes that is how I select a book.
- AUDIBLE My husband has an Audible account and we share it. So I can listen through blue tooth in the car or from my phone.
- KINDLE UNLIMITED. I have a Kindle account through Amazon that I share with my husband. The books can be downloaded to any of my devices but I can also have Alexa read them to me or use them on my Kindle app on my phone. The cool thing with this is you get a ton of books for FREE and most books are under $10.
Dovie’s Book Club Review #1
Ladie’s Night by Mary Kay Andrews
You guys!!!! I don’t know what I did with this book. When I read a great book, I immediately pass it on to someone in my family. I thought surely I gave it to my YouTube daughter since it was based on the story of a young married blogger. But when I described it to her she didn’t recognize it. I wonder if I listened on Audible or Kindle Unlimited?
I was writing this post tonight and decided to rearrange my reviews and give this book first rank. I simply could not recall the title, so trying to find Ladie’s Night by describing the story in Google took me more than an hour. Does that give you an idea of how much I enjoyed this one?
Again, I don’t like to give too much away describing it to you, but if you want more info, they do tell a lot on the description on Amazon. Just click on the book to go there.
Basically, it is a story of betrayal beyond anything you can imagine and all set in the storyline of a blogger who has a huge following and works with brands and gets media spots. So for all of us that blog, it is fresh story and quite enjoyable. I was honestly surprised that it came from this author because I read her a lot and this was unexpected from her but totally awesome.
Dovie’s Book Club Review #2
Never Tell by Lisa Gardner
This book was really amazing. I think it would make a great movie. So many of the books my daughter and I pick become movies…just saying. 🙂
Was it a murder or was it a suicide? That is what the detectives are trying to figure out in this classic “who done it.” The wife, who is just about to give birth, is found holding the gun when the police arrive and of course she becomes the obvious suspect.
Lies, secrets and the past slowly unfold as the search for evidence, motive and the killer are explored.
I read Never Tell quickly because it was a page turner. My daughter also found it to be a really intriguing story.
I didn’t figure it out. Will you?
Dovie’s Book Club Review #3
The Wife Between Us by Greer Hendricks & Sarah Pekkenen
The Wife Between Us kept me guessing. At one point late in the book, I had to go back and check something out to see if I had missed it. I love that!
It tells the story of an ex-wife’s memories of her former marriage, how she is living now that she is divorced and her feelings and emotions of how her ex’s impending marriage is affecting her. You know, juicy stuff!
The author leads you into the fray of her torment and her decision to interact and prevent the upcoming nuptials. But it is so not that simple.
A twisted story to be sure and as I said I love being surprised!
Dovie’s Book Club Review #4
The Housekeeper by Natalie Barelli
OMG! I should have put this one FIRST, but I just rearranged them to put another one first. They are all so good! I just finished The House Keeper before the Pandemic had us in LOCKDOWN and I guess I forgot about it.
The House Keeper had a unique plot. Nothing I could have ever dreamt up. The story had a huge twist that I was totally not expecting. I love a psychological thriller and this author had me staying up too late not being able to put the book down. But if you get it right away, while we are all still in lockdown you won’t have to worry about staying up too late. 🙂
Truly if you want a great read, this one is it. I don’t like sharing too much about a book that might give it away, so just trust me on this one. READ IT! Don’t read the description if you really want to be surprised as the plot develops.
Dovie’s Book Club Review #5
The Break Down by B.A.Paris
I am currently reading this book and realized immediately that I already read it. How did I buy a paperback not realizing I had read it already? I think I read it as an audible book so I wasn’t looking at a cover ever and didn’t pay attention to the title because it picks up where you left off.
So why am I continuing to read The Break Down when I read it recently?
It’s like watching a movie that you haven’t seen in 10 years. You generally know the plot but the details are vague and it is fun to watch it unfold again. The thing is, it hasn’t been 10 years, probably only 6 months!
From the beginning I had no idea where this book was headed (the first time :).) Then little tidbits of breadcrumbs were being dropped by the author that allowed me to start figuring it out. However, I don’t care if I do figure out a book before the author discloses the plot, if the story telling is good…I’m in til the end.
It is a 4 out of 5 rating on Amazon with more than 2400 ratings. I would recommend this if you enjoy the “who can you trust” type of stories. It centers around a woman who sees someone she thinks is “broke down” on the road in a storm and decides to stop, but because the storm is so tremendous, she leaves without getting out. She’s a newly wed and the story unfolds around that moment in time on the road and her relationships with her spouse and best friend. It’s a fun journey, I recommend trying it out.
Dovie’s Book Club Review #6
A Simple Favor by Darcey Bell
Okay, okay, you probably already saw this one on television. If not, read the book first. Yep, I told you a lot of the books I read are made into movies. I read this one before the movie came out. I actually just watched the movie again this week with my husband because the first time I watched it with my daughter.
This book is about a food YouTuber who gets herself into a real life crime drama and allows her viewers to follow along the trail.
Very fresh, clever and intriguing.
But as soon as you finish reading it, watch the movie. It was sooo good, even the second time!
Dovie’s Book Club Review #7
The Perfect Couple by Elin Hilderbrand
471 pages! Sometimes I can’t believe I read this much. When we go to our lake house I don’t have chores. There just isn’t much there. It’s nestled in the woods on the lake and its a great spot for reading. That must be when I read this long novel.
The Perfect Couple is all about a wedding that doesn’t happen. Someone in the wedding party is found dead the morning of the wedding.
And thus begins the evolution of who is who in the wedding party. Pasts are revealed, relationships between friends, lovers, and married couples are exposed.
I think I remember who done it, but it’s been a few months since I read this one. What I can say is that I remember The Perfect Couple was not a book that I had to work my way through. It’s a huge book! I got it done in one long weekend. So pace yourself if you decide to check this one out.
That’s it for this month’s reviews and recommendations. As I said, I am so excited to share them with you and hope you pick up one or two or all of them and enjoy them as much as I did.
If you read any of my picks, I ask you to use my links and leave me a comment on how much you liked it without spilling too much for other readers please. Also, if you have any reads you think I would enjoy based on my recommendations, I would love to hear what they are. Leave suggestions in the comments! Thanks to all my readers.

Leaving you with love and a shot of my potential wedding hair for my son’s wedding that was supposed to take place March 21st, 2020. As you can probably imagine, it was cancelled. We hope to go for it again this fall.
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